
NXT Off-Brick controllers (Remote Controls) 

These are different types of "remote control" systems for the NXT.  Most don't require any programming on the NXT.  Generally, these allow someone to write and execute a program on a PC, which will send commands to the NXT, and in some cases, display the sensor values on the PC.  This list rapidly grew beyond the width of a page, so it was turned to accommodate more languages

Software Language type Control type NXT Required Firmware Link Type Link Source Windows Mac OSX Linux Read Sensors Websites
LEGO NXT Mobile Application Simple RC Remote Control Standard (#2) Bluetooth Phone or PDA - - - No LEGO
BT RC NXT-G NXT to NXT Remote Program running on NXT Bluetooth Another NXT - - - User Programmable BTRC
Simple BT Remote Simple RC Remote Control Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes No No Yes Simple Windows RC
RobotC Simple RC Remote Control Standard (#1) USB/BT Desktop Yes Not Yet No Yes CMU Web Site
BricxCC Simple RC Remote Control Standard USB/BT Desktop Yes No Yes BricxCC Web Site
OnBrick PDA Graphic Programmable RC Standard Bluetooth PDA - - - Yes OnBrick
OnBrick PC Graphic Programmable RC Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes No No Yes OnBrick
NXT Director Simple RC Customizable Remote Control Standard Bluetooth Palm PDA - - - No? Director
RoboDNA Simple RC Remote Control Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes Yes RoboDNA
MS Robotics Studio .NET User Program running on PC Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes Yes (non-commercial version is free) Download site or Microsoft Site
NI LabVIEW Toolkit Graphic (LabVIEW G) User Program running on PC Standard USB/BT Desktop Yes Yes Yes LabVIEW toolkit Site
RoboLab Graphic User Program running on PC Standard USB Desktop Yes Yes Yes Robolab 
iCommand Java User Program running on PC Standard Bluetooth Desktop or PDA Yes Yes Yes iCommand
LEGO::NXT Perl User Program running on PC Standard USB/BT Desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes Perl
nxt-Ruby Ruby User Program running on PC Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes Ruby
NXT# C# User Program running on PC Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes Yes? NXT#
Mindsqualls C# User Program running on PC Standard Bluetooth Desktop Yes Yes Mindsqualls

NXT Python

Python User Program running on PC Standard USB/BT Desktop Yes Yes? Python

My Robot Me

Graphic? User Program running on PC Standard USB/BT Desktop Yes No No Yes Robot Me


(1) RobotC uses firmware that comes Standard with some LEGO software
(2) LEGO's Mobile Application can send messages to a program running on an NXT

Other Team Hassenplug NXT stuff

copyright 2007, Steve Hassenplug - Updated Feb 20, 2007